Los Altos UMC Foundation


The Los Altos United Methodist Church Foundation is a non-profit corporation, governed by a twelve-member Board of Directors, comprised of church members elected by the congregation at the annual Charge Conference. The Foundation supports Los Altos UMC by securing gifts and managing endowment funds. Legacy gifts to the Los Altos UMC Foundation help sustain our congregation for future generations. Money given to the Foundation is invested in a conservative portfolio and the income earned on the investments is used to respond to annual grant requests. These grants have supported the preschool program, youth program, musicprogram, leadership development, and maintenance of the church property. People who have contributed to the Foundation in their estate planning are included in the Legacy Group.

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A Legacy for LAUMC

The Foundation Committee is thankful to have the continued support of the Legacy Group and we celebrate these generous members with a dinner on June 1. Others of the church family who wish to include the church in their will, in their trust plans or by a donation to the Los Altos UMC Foundation are welcome to join the Legacy Group. A simple statement about your legacy plans is enough to “join” and we will be happy to invite you to the upcoming celebration.

Contributions collected over the years not only honor loved ones but are put to a good use in God’s plan for our church. Recent disbursement of approximately $10,000 in grants of the Foundation fund earnings was in support of church programs and additional initiatives. Your donation in the name of a loved one, as an underwriter for a specific project or simply as a gift that lasts in perpetuity at Los Altos UMC can be made at any time. 
Contact the Foundation (Laura Henriques – 562-230-6969) or find more information on the flyer in the pews.

Foundation Grants

The Los Altos UMC Foundation provides grants to support church activities. As in past years, groups from the church are eligible to submit proposals. Please carefully read the cover page which indicates the types of projects which the Foundation is able to support. Only completed applications will be considered. Applications are due April 15th to support activities which take place during
May 1 - April 15. Funded projects are required to submit a report of activities.

Click here for the grant application. Please note, funds are limited. The proposal process is competitive and applications may not be funded or funded in full. Contact Lee Coduti (clcoduti@earthlink.net) or Laura Henriques (Colburn) (laurahenriques@yahoo.com) if you have questions.

Get the Legacy form here.                     

Get the Memorial Tree brochure here.